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AZ-500 AppService Inside VNet

The intent is to create an appservice that is available inside a VNET. So we will create a vnet and put an appservice inside it. This Vnet will have 2 subnets. One that has the appservice and another one that will have a VM.. We need to make sure that this Appservice can be accessed only inside the VM (inside the same VNET) 

1. Create a Vnet

Total Address space is 256.. We split into 2 subnets

2. Create an Appservice in standard or above tier as the lower tiers dont support networking. 

and select the Vnet and select the sub2 subnet

3. Create a Virtual Machine inside sub1.

4. Go to Appservices and onto the networking tab and select Access Restrictions

Create a rule and select VNET and subnet that we created earlier. We can also specify IP Address. Then this appservice can be accessed by the specified IP's only.

So this appservice can only be accessed within subnet 1. Which is where we have deployed the VM..

From Internet

Inside VM (Subnet 1)


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