Rather than storing credentials in the application, we can use Azure keyvault to store user secrets. We can also use it to store
1. secret , application that stores the secrets in files can be at risk if someone gets a peek at the source code. KV happens at runtime.
2. keys (for encryption/decryption)
3. certificates (SSL certificates)
4. Storage accounts have access keys and KV can be used to manage them.
5. Azure VM disks encryption. We can encrypt the data stored on VMS using azure disk encryption.
6. In AKS
An Azure app service app can use certificates stored in KV to encrypt the data (in transit) or it can be used to encrypt the data stored in a database (in rest)
Access control should follow the principle of least privilege.
Using Keyvault when using azure AD
NUGETS: Azure.Identity and Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets
if we need to use the cli then just keep using the -h along with the keywords that you need.
To learn about keyvault.
Hit=> az keyvault -h
All the options inside keyvault will be listed. Not to learn about a specitic option ex: create just use -h again
az keyvault create -h
and just keep digging in..
Service Principle
To enable access control, we need to go through azure AD, which will give us a service principle that can be used to access the resources. Once KV gets a service priciple it can
We generate a service prinvipal for an application and then add that service principle to keyvault.
We need to register our application with azure AD, which will give us a clientID and password , these credentials can be used to retrieve our secrets from KV.
The other approach is to use managed user identity, here we register our app against AD and we dont get a client ID and password. Then we configure KV to grant access to the app we created. THen the app can directly access the resource (KV in our case).
Generating Keys with azure Keyvault
Create a app service plan from portal or CLI. (kvtrialdemo in my case)
From CLI
Create a web app on App Service
az appservice plan create --name "kvtraildemo" --resource-group myResourceGroup --sku FREE
Then deploy a website,
Then use this command to register the app with azure AD.. Kvtrialdemo is the name of the app
service. now link this app service to keyvault.
register it in AD
az webapp identity assign --name "kvtraildemo" --resource-group "StorageTrialRG"
this will return a JSON
"principalId": "fe3bf1e3-b390-4e76-a93f-2f949fe3b543",
"tenantId": "e2cdafd2-68d2-4ee9-b778-959662032860",
"type": "SystemAssigned",
"userAssignedIdentities": null
Create a secret inside keyvault
Now create an access policy for this KV, that is who can access this resource.. We configure our web app here. So once our web app is deployed to azure it can automatically retrieve the secrets as it gets authenticated.
From CLI
Use the principalid to register the web app to KV as shown below
az keyvault set-policy --name "az204keyvaultSample" --object-id "fe3bf1e3-b390-4e76-a93f-2f949fe3b543" --secret-permissions get list
the object id is the principal id that we got while registering the app to azure AD.
--name is the name of the KV
Or portal
Read the values from KV and display it in the page
public IActionResult Index()
SecretClientOptions options = new SecretClientOptions()
Retry =
Delay= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
MaxDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(16),
MaxRetries = 5,
Mode = RetryMode.Exponential
var client = new SecretClient(new Uri("https://az204keyvaultsample.vault.azure.net/"), new DefaultAzureCredential()
}, options);
KeyVaultSecret secret = client.GetSecret("SampleSecret");
ViewData["Secret"] = secret.Value;
return View();
But debugging in local environment doesnt work with the above code..
Now to get the value during development, just use the below code.
AzureServiceTokenProvider azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();
var keyvaultclient = new KeyVaultClient(new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(azureServiceTokenProvider.KeyVaultTokenCallback));
// sample secret is the keyvault secret key
var secret = await keyvaultclient.GetSecretAsync("https://kvmanagedidenty.vault.azure.net/", "SampleSecret");
ViewData["Secret"] = secret.Value;
return View();
Another way is in this video, but in this case we will get a clientid and secret which we will need to keep in our system. So it beats the purpose.
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