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Single responsibility

Single responsibility


What we're really aiming for when we're talking about SOLID code is supple code, code that's pliable, code that you can shape into different forms and where you can change the shape if it turns out that the original shape that you had in mind doesn't really correctly address the problem at hand. And this is very important, because you almost never have all the requirements up front. Even if you think you have all the requirements up front for a piece of software that you're programming, requirements change as you go along, and the point of writing SOLID code is to make the code so supple, so pliable, that when requirements change, you can also change the code to fit the new requirements. The purpose of SOLID is to make you more productive by making the code more maintainable. If the design is rigid, it signifies that does not accept change.

We define a responsibility as a reason to change. So another way to put the Single Responsibility Principle is to say that a class should have only one reason to change. Another way to put this is to say that each class should do one thing and do it well.

The class above performs logging, reading writing and caching also.

Separating each concern. Logging. We create a new class that does the logging

Use the instance of the newly created class. Use DI.

Move all the functionalities to their respective classes and finally the solution will have all the concerns separated.

We have a message store that uses these 3 classes. All classes perform


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